NAS or Server, Which is Right for Me?
by Andrew Dominick
For any small business, it is important to have an effective way to store data and share it among workers. Thus, any network with more than 2 or 3 users who need to access the same data should be implementing some sort of clientserver relationship.
It is common to see small businesses who aren't operating with this setup because they simply don't realize the benefits that a NAS or server can bring.
When it comes to choosing between a NAS or server, the choice depends on several factors.
What is a server? A server is not dramatically different from a regular personal computer, but it serves a different purpose. The main role of a server is to manage resources on the network. The server will be using a server operating system such as Windows Server or Mac OS X Server. A server can fill a number of different roles, all of which manage resources and clients on the network. Potential server capabilities include:
- Active directory domain controller > authenticates and authorizes all users and computers on the network
- DHCP Server dynamically assigns IP addresses to devices on the network
- DNS Server associates IP addresses with domain names
- Printing and Document Services
- File storage, sharing and collaboration tools
- User or Device Specific Permissions Applications applications installed on server that are accessible to clients (accounting software, ecommerce software, etc.)
What is a NAS?
NAS stands for networkattached storage. As you can derive from the name, a NAS is attached to a network and stores data. It's a device that is specialized to provide data storage and make it easily accessible. A NAS provides a central location to allow for synced folders that can be accessed and modified by others on the network. It is also useful for backing up data. In addition to file storage and sharing, NAS devices offer many of the same services that an application server can, but with more basic settings and less customization. It also requires you to use its own compatible applications, rather than choosing from any third party software.
Which device suits your small business?
To decide whether a NAS or server will best suit your small business, break down the benefits of each in the following categories:
Functionality and Ease of Use
As was discussed earlier in this post, application servers are more powerful than NAS, as they offer more functionality. Application servers allow you to install thirdparty software. With a NAS, you are limited to applications you can download on the NAS operating system. For example, to make a Synology NAS into a mail server, you'll need to download the Synology Mail Server app. Servers are more capable and offer more advanced controls over your network services and applications, but also require more management. The NAS offers less advanced functionality, but will not require as much maintenance or configuration. Businesses with a dedicated IT staff need not worry about the configuration and maintenance aspect, but those businesses without IT may opt for the simpler NAS.
Sharing Capabilities
Both file servers and NAS provide a great way to share files across devices on the network with the use of shared folders. Both a server and NAS allow for control over user permissions. User groups can be created that make files only accessible to those who should have access. The server will arguably offer more configuration options in terms of access control and security than a NAS will. A NAS is also great for sharing folders with clients outside of the network. Using software like Synology's Cloud Station, you can easily create a link to the shared folder and send it to clients so that they can access the folder or even configure a syncing relationship as they make changes. A server does not offer this ability. If you are frequently collaborating with clients, you should consider a NAS for its ability to allow outside access to shared folders via the internet. If you only need to collaborate among colleagues, the server will meet all of your needs.
With the difference in functionality, comes a difference in cost. A server contains more powerful hardware and offers more functionality. The tradeoff is that it will cost more than a NAS. An application server will almost always cost more than a NAS. Server operating systems also drive up the price because they often require purchasing licenses for the server, and in some cases, licenses (or CALs) for each user or device connecting to the server. On the other hand, most NAS software comes with the NAS device and does not require user licensing.
For a small business, a clientserver network setup will improve efficiency and reliability. When choosing a server device, you must consider the needs of your business as well as your budget. For those seeking higher functionality and can handle the more complicated configuration, maintenance, and higher cost, an application server is the best choice. For those whose are looking for a good file storage and sharing solution, with other basic applications, a NAS is a more affordable option. If your small business is struggling to decide between a NAS and a server installation or is seeking help with installation and setup, please contact us at Igniting Business.